品質及信譽保證 _ 「ISO22000:2005」
由原產地直接進口優質咖啡生豆, 榮獲「ISO22000:2005」食品安全管理系統國際認證。
Quality and Reputation Guaranteed – Directly import high quality coffee beans from country of origin and awarded 「ISO22000:2005」 Food Safety Management System International Standard. 專業烘焙 – 新天成累積50多年的咖啡烘焙工藝,配合不同顧客的需求,拼配出味道香濃的優質咖啡。 Specialize in Coffee Roasting- STS with more than 50 years of roasting experience and tailor-made flavors in blending strong aroma coffee in meeting different customers' needs. |
精品咖啡系列 Excellent Coffee Series
原產地咖啡 - 100%選用世界各原產地咖啡豆烘焙而成
Coffee from country of origin – 100% using coffee beans from country of origin.
Coffee from country of origin – 100% using coffee beans from country of origin.
經典咖啡系列 Classic Coffee Series:
Blended Coffee – High quality Arabica and Robusta beans perfectly blended and roasted.
Blended Coffee – High quality Arabica and Robusta beans perfectly blended and roasted.
精選港式咖啡系列Hong Kong Style Specialty Coffee Series:
馥鬱醇厚的口感,是新天成咖啡立足香港40年的要求, 堅持以用家為本, 於簡約包裝, 誠心提昇營商競爭力。
Strong fragrance and mellow taste are the requirements set by STS coffee since 40 years establishment in Hong Kong. We highly value in combining the concepts of simple packaging and endeavor to streamline the manufacturing processes and to sustain the win-win situation for our business partners.
Strong fragrance and mellow taste are the requirements set by STS coffee since 40 years establishment in Hong Kong. We highly value in combining the concepts of simple packaging and endeavor to streamline the manufacturing processes and to sustain the win-win situation for our business partners.